El Dorado Nature Center

On the east side of Long Beach, along the San Gabriel River, is the 800-acre El Dorado East Regional Park, first established in 1955. The park has picnic areas, three fishing ponds, a golf course and other attractions. My favorite is the 105-acre El Dorado Nature Center.
A Great Place To Wander
With more than two miles of trails, lakes, varied vegetation, a cool interpretive center and turtles!

This is a great place to wander in a semi-wild but friendly natural environment. Enjoy the sites and smells, the wildflowers, and assorted small animals.

Read the Nature Center Web Site in Khmer
Check out the El Dorado Nature Center web site. You can read it in English, Spanish, Tagalog or Khmer!
The interactive interpretive center is filled with tactile displays. Don’t miss the display about the most dangerous animal in the reserve. Can you guess what it is?
What’s the Most Dangerous Animal in the Reserve?
There are approximately 1.5 billion animals, for every one human on the planet. Even though we are greatly outnumbered we are still the most dangerous.
Images of the Reserve
El Dorado Nature Center Center hours Baskinarturtles Turtle interpretive sign Trail map Warning to squirrels Yellow wildflowers Likving in Harmony Bees and butterflies are busy! Sunflowers Trail Squirrels people-watching Trail California grassland Palm Jimson weed Pond Shaggy fan palm Trail view Art exhibit at interpretive Center Wonders of the World Stuff to touch Insect Zoo Interpretive Center displays Benefits of bugs History of the Land Owl display Most dangerous animal? Look in the mirror! Coyote mural