Featured on Bones, Season 5, Episode 18

Sharks, Penguins, and More
Formerly named the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific, our city’s aquatic menagerie has been a local attraction since it opened in 1998. The aquarium features beautiful tanks filled with unusual species, a cool walk-through Lorikeet Forest, sharks, penguins, marine mammals and more.

Meet Edie the Blue Whale
Enter the aquarium through a two-story entry hall dominated by Edie, a life-size, 88 ft. long anatomically correct fiberglass model of a blue whale, the world’s largest mammal. Right outside the aquarium you can catch a whale-watching cruise, with a good chance of spotting wild whales practically any time of the year.

Blue Cavern Tank
Past the whale’s tail, you’ll encounter the 142,000 gallon three-story Blue Cavern tank, which houses animals native to the waters surrounding nearby Catalina Island. This is the tank where Brennan and Booth found a skeleton in the Bones episode, “The Predator in the Pool”.
Then wander through two floors of fascinating tanks and exhibits. Don’t miss the sea otter, the leafy sea dragons (like sea horses but way cooler) and Peter’s personal favorite, the Sarcastic Fringehead. He’s not much to looks at, but what a ‘tude!
And don’t forget to pet a shark!
More Aquarium Creatures
Beautiful reef Yellow fish White Sea Dragon White jellyfish Tide pool Aquarium visitors Star fish and sea anemones Star fish Shark at the aquarium Shark tank Shark close-up Sea otter Sea lions Leafy sea dragons Sea dragon Purple fish People and penguins Orange jelly fish Moray eel White jelly fish Great blue heron Harbor seal Frog Sea horse Shark egg Crab Coral reef Sea anemones Sea anemone Jelly fish