Saturday, October 5 is the first day of WordCamp Long Beach and the schedule and session descriptions are now LIVE!
On Saturday, we are featuring two tracks: one focused on Users, folks who use WordPress for their own websites, and the other geared toward Professionals, folks who build or manage WordPress websites for other people and businesses.
Users Track
The Users Track starts with the basics in Justice Anderson‘s talk
“Zero to WordPress: Building Your First WordPress Site” and ends with Sabrina Zeidan‘s talk on one of the most often-asked questions about WordPress … how do I speed up my website?
In between, we feature a talk on must-have plugins from Christina Hills, a discussion about the block editor (aka Gutenberg!) from Chris Reynolds, and how to revive a “dead” site with Ramuel Gall.
We also feature an important talk on accessibility, which is a topic everyone needs to know more about, from Joe A. Simpson, Jr.
Professionals Track
The Professionals track is a mix of discussion and how-tos for folks who use WordPress to create sites and content for other people and businesses.
We kick things off on a personal note with an inspirational (and aspirational) talk from Linda Gunn on her journey from soloprenuer to WP agency owner with more than 20 full-time employees.
On the how-to tip, we’re featuring a topical talk on data literacy from Evan Volgas and an overview of using WP-CLI to streamline development from Diana Thompson.
And on the discussion side of things, we’re featuring Mike Demo on how to sell the plugin you’ve built, Anastassia Zukova‘s take on builder themes and plugins, and closing out with Roy Sivan and his experiences with the trials and tribulations of WordPress at the enterprise levels.
Our goal was to provide a little bit of something (or a lot of bit of something!) for every level of WordPress user, from those just starting out to seasoned professionals. We’re excited about the breadth and depth of our Saturday talks, and we hope you are too!
And stay tuned, because the schedule and sessions descriptions for Sunday’s The Future of WordPress track are coming soon!
Don’t miss out on any of this WordPress goodness. Be sure to buy your ticket for WordCamp Long Beach today!