Thanking Our Local Community Sponsors

Sponsorships are not a given. WordPress companies are deluged with requests for funds from WordCamps all over the world. Businesses have to be conscientious with their marketing budgets and limit what their spend is on special events like WordCamps.

So when an organization goes out of their way to help a local Camp out, when they don’t have to or plan to, it’s special.

I’d like to take a moment to thank our community sponsors who stepped up and helped make the inaugural WordCamp Long Beach become a reality.

Special Sponsors

These are sponsors who went above and beyond the standard sponsorship level to help our camp become a reality.

WP Engine – Not only are they already a Carrier Sponsor but they are also our After Party sponsor, too! WP Engine has given to so many camps so very generously. One thing that WPE has consistently done, from the very beginning was to provide a superior WordPress managed hosting product and then to invest heavily in the community. WP Engine has always been a champion of the WP community. THANK YOU!

GreenGeeks – Not only are they Global Community sponsor but they stepped in and helped us out with lunch for attendees. GreenGeeks is one of the few WordPress managed hosting platforms that are green and environmentally positive. Pretty darn awesome, if you ask me. In addition to being committed to the WordPress community, they are also committed to reducing carbon emissions and fighting for a “greener” climate. With the public discourse surrounding the environment and climate change, I think it’s pretty awesome that a business puts forth the effort to do good in the world. THANK YOU!

LifterLMS – Not only is their WordPress LMS solution one of the best in the game, but their team is also big on community. One of the founders, Thomas Levvy, has been an organizer of the last two WordCamps in Los Angeles. If you saw him giving him his closing remarks you would know how much the guy cares about community—it’s present in all that he does. They are both a cargo sponsor and the volunteer/sponsor/speaker dinner sponsor. THANK YOU!

Gunn | Jerkens – They are one of the premier communications and marketing agencies in Long Beach (and beyond) and Linda Gunn, of Gunn | Jerkens, has been heavily involved with the local Long Beach WP community for a while now. Generously giving of space, people, and time and the community is blooming because of that generosity. It’s this sort of involvement that sparks community and keeps it growing. They are both a micro-sponsor and a Tugboat Sponsor. THANK YOU

Cargo Sponsor

Pantheon is a managed hosting platform for both WordPress and Drupal-powered sites. That’s not all, though! In addition to having a much-loved product, Pantheon’s commitment to their community is demonstrated in how they listen to their customers and how they support their superhero-fans. They’re always willing to help their community. This year they pitched-in in a big way for WordCamp Long Beach!

Pantheon and all of your Pantheors are straight-up awesome! We appreciate you! Thanks so much!

Tug Boat Sponsor

Our Tub Boat sponsors are awesome and the epitome of innovation and ingenuity!

First off we have SoundCheck. The Soundcheck plugin for WordPress is the easiest way to publish web content that is optimized for voice devices like Amazon Echo and Google Home. The plugin integrates directly with the new Gutenberg editor to make adding speakable content as easy as point, click, and type. 

It’s awesome!

You may not have heard of Soflyy but you no doubt have encountered their products. Oxygen Builder is one of the cleanest and most innovative WordPress page builders in the game. You gotta check it out! Also, and most notably, they are known for WP All Import, the very best WordPress import plugin you can find.

In-kind Sponsors

In-kind sponsors are folks who provide a product or service for free or at a low cost.

Coldea Productions – They have offered to provide WCLB with top-notch video editing services for both days of camp! This is awesome because the talks will be up and online for all to view long after the camp is done and, for our speakers, it provides a great value as they continue to expand their brand and professional presence. We thank you so much!

Sticker Giant – These folks have been providing free and super creative stickers and sticker sheets for WordCamps since forever. Sticker Giant bleeds WP. Thank you!

Peter Rashkin – Where did all our adorable potted succulent swag at our Speaker/Sponsor/Volunteer Dinner come from? Peter‘s garden! He graciously planted and tended to over 80 little pots in his backyard for months, creating little plant tags from bamboo and handmade paper, and then donating them to our camp when he was done. Thanks, Peter!

David Nuon – “Buttons, buttons, who’s got the button.” You answered Willie Wonka’s call for buttons, David, and donated all the Shippu and Streamline Moderne carrier ship WCLB logo buttons you designed. Thank you!

Micro Sponsors

Not only do many hands make light work but many small donations make a big impact. No one or no business has to donate anything to their local WordCamp and especially no one has to donate to a camp, not in their local community.

Our Micro Sponsors are from all over the place!! We have a sponsor all the way from the UK, Ann Arbor, Michigan, all the way over to Nevada. It’s a testament to the power of community when you have so many great businesses and individuals ready to donate and commit.